The last week of school I have the students play art games. Here are some of the games my art students played or will play. These games are also good to play anytime by anyone. They are thinking games, and challenging, yet fun. Enjoy! Of course, please give credit where it is due if you use these. Most games were from a party book created by my sister, the late Dr. S. Bowman-Kragh. She was a master game player and loved doing art with me, my Dad and my husband. I thank her for the games that my art students enjoyed recently. Now here are some of the games I used with my students.
Name Game
Materials: Notebook or plain paper, pencils
and prizes
Hand out notebook (It works best because it has lines) or plain paper and pencils. Have students write their name VERTICALLY down the page. For example, Johnny would be written as:
What to do/play:
Ask students to draw their face at the top of the page. Next, ask student to think of other names (boy or girl) that they can create from their own name using the letters. For example, J= Jeremy, Joshua, Jilliann, Judy, Jeffrey...... O= Oscar, Oliver, Otto...etc., etc.
Insist students not write their name for the first letter of their name. (No Johnny for the J).
Give students about 5 minutes to write as many names as they can think of. Have them count up the total number of names and then give a prize for the student with the most names. (My students had as many as 22.)
Glue Stick Toss
*3 Glue Sticks per student
*Prizes (Candy, Pencils, Erasers, whatever)
*2 or 3 Containers with 3 compartments (a carryall with a handle used for cleaning supplies works great.)
If you don't have containers with 3 compartments, then use three separate containers: one large and two medium sized bunched up together or tape together.
*Masking tape to label the inside of the compartment/containers and a toe line.
What to do:
Use masking tape to make a toe line on the carpet or floor at least 5-6 feet away from the containers
Label two medium sized compartments/containers: PRIZE and the largest container/compartment: TRY AGAIN or SORRY.
How to play:
Have students line up on the toe lines (insist they stay BEHIND the masking tape line), hand each student 3 glue sticks, and have them toss them toward the containers. You might have girls on one side; boys on the other. SAFETY FIRST! Make sure no one is standing near the containers--some kids gets wild when they throw (not toss). If students have a glue stick land in the containers with PRIZE they get a prize!. If they get more than one glue stick in each container or compartment, they get only one prize. (This may sound brash, but you'll run out of pencils or candy fast if you don't control what you hand out. I know--I went through 3 bags of candy with 40 students in two classes.)
Art Class Artist
Manila paper (9 x 12) Pencils (no erasers on them)
What to do:
Pass out papers and pencils.
Tell students there is such a thing as BLIND CONTOUR drawing. Also that this has nothing to do with being blind. LOL. The technique simply means that the student always is looking at what they are drawing WITHOUT looking at their paper. (Be prepared for the deer in the headlight look and a few chuckles.) Tell students that they will all be drawing the SAME thing. (Another questioning look.) Insist they can do this--just don't look at the paper. Tell them you will be watching so will see if they look at their paper. Then tell them they will be drawing you.
Have them find a starting point on their paper, then start drawing. Let them draw for about a minute and a half. Remind them: I am watching--keep your eyes on me! When they are done, just turn their paper over on the table. After all are done, have them turn it back over. (Be prepared for major laughs.) Have the students sign their creations.
I did these games with all my students at one of my schools yesterday. I had about 200+ great drawings. It was amazing to see how many really and truly kept their eyes on me the whole time and never looked at their paper. What a group of great artists! We have lots of laughs, too!!!
Well, that's some fun things for you to try whether you are an art teacher or not. Have fun and enjoy.
Happy End of School and the beginning of a relaxing (?) summer