Saturday, August 25, 2012

REP Respect, Educate, Protect

As a follow-up to a previous post about digital citizenship...
Here is a simple, but effective and fun way to teach about digital citizenship. REP posters using Microsoft Publisher.
Lesson copyright 2012 Lydia Gates

Title:                      Respect, Educate and Protect Posters
Author:                Lydia Gates
Grade Level:      4/5th grade
Objectives:         At the end of this lesson, students will have:
                  ·         Identified and Discussed acronyms and REP
                  ·         Discussed terms associated with digital citizenship
                  ·         Drawn ideas, pair-shared and used their ideas to create a  
                                     poster on Microsoft  Publisher
                  ·         Colored their poster using colored pencils or markers
                  ·         Discovered using technology to create a visual message
                  ·         Demonstrated knowledge through performance 
                             assessment a personal understanding
                             of digital citizenship


Kansas Visual Arts Standards
#1 Understanding and Applying Media Techniques and Processes
Benchmark 1 Comparing and contrasting different types of materials, techniques and Processes.
Indicator 1: Selecting and using effective media, techniques and processes to enhance personal communication.

                #2 Using Knowledge of the Elements of Arts and the Principles of Design
                Benchmark 3 employing and defending the use of elements and principles in art works.
                Indicator 1 Using the elements and principles to produce art work with a message.

                #3 Creating artworks through choice of subjects, symbols and ideas
                Benchmark 1 Identifying and discussing ways in which symbols and styles communicate
meaning in art.
                Indicator 2 Interpreting artworks based on common themes and/or functions.
#6 Making Connections Between the Visual Arts and Other Disciplines
                Benchmark 3 Investigating Associations between visual art and non-art disciplines.
                Indicator 3 Applying concepts from non-art disciplines to create art.

KSDE/Kansas Model Curricular Standards for
                                Library Media and Technology
 Information Power Benchmarks:
                Technology Standards
                Standard #11 Social, ethical and human issues
                Benchmark 2 Practicing responsible use of technology systems, information
                     and software.

                Standard #12 Technology productivity tools
Benchmark 1 Using productivity tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, 
      and promote student creativity.

Standard #15 Technology problem solving and decision making
Benchmark 4 Student employ technology in the development of strategies for
    solving problems in the real world.

Materials Needed: Whiteboard, Computer Lab, screen, and computers with access to Microsoft Publisher, Projector, and printer, List of poster requirements, colored pencils and markers, REP Poster exemplar.


In the Computer Lab:

Teacher will ask students to think of different acronyms they know. We will list on the board. Next, I will show my completed poster and explain R stands for respecting others, E means we should educate ourselves/others about using technology safely and P means we should not give our personal and private information out to strangers or others we do not know.   Students will be asked to think of how they could make their own REP poster or to promote digital citizenship.

Then the teacher will use Microsoft Publisher to demonstrate how to make a simple poster. Students will be asked to refer to List of poster requirements: black and white only color schemes. Word Art in hollow letters, and may add images from clip art.  Students will use an 81/2 x 11 portrait format.

Students will then discover and explore Microsoft Publisher on their own, with the teacher assisting as necessary.

Students will save and then print out their posters.

In the Art Room:

Students will use colored pencils or markers, or both to color their posters.

Students will share their posters with the class. Posters will be displayed in hallways.

Copyright 2012 Lydia Gates  

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