Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Best Christmas Gift of All

Last Sunday in church, there was a Children's Christmas program. A young boy read a selection about The Best Christmas Gift....Jesus.  All good gifts come from above. This got me thinking of previous Christmas and holiday lessons I have taught over the years. I think this one was an all time favorite of the kids because they could be creative! It's fun!

Attention: I would strongly suggest trying this out yourself BEFORE you use with  students/children.  Also, if you use or share this, please give me credit. Remember, give credit where it is due. This is digital responsibility and proper etiquette. Thank you!

For each student/child:

  • 8" x 10"  white or manila card stock
  • 2" x 6" red construction paper or card stock
  • Bottle Glue
  • Scissors
  • Pencils
  • Assortment of holiday, winter or other stick-on embellishments
  • Glitter, Buttons, or other items that can be glued on
  • Newspapers/Magazines 

Begin the lesson by asking students to name the best Christmas gift they ever received.  Then ask what they would like for this Christmas.  Do they think they could draw or spell it?  

Show your completed example and explain.

Instruct students/children to turn their paper horizontally (sideways) and with a  pencil make a dot  about 1 inch or so from the top of their card stock. They can do this easily by placing their thumb at the top of the paper.  Where their thumb ends (the bottom part attached to their hand) is where to make the dot.  OR you can "guesstimate"by eyeing a inch.

Next have students/children fold the red paper in half. Demonstrate all steps.  First draw a diagonal line toward the center (fold part) of the paper, leaving some space for a "hill" about 1/2 inch wide. Draw the hill toward the fold, and stopping at the fold. From the top of the paper, still folded, with scissors, cut from the" hill" around and then down and follow the diagonal line. Unfold. You will have a bow.  With a five dots of glue , make a line of glue the length of the bow, and paste down the bow on the dot and the paper.

Then, ask students/children to draw a large rectangle under the bow to create a box (gift) on their papers. Be sure to draw the rectangle so it is on the page with a slight border.  

Students/children may wish to draw their favorite gift ever received inside the rectangle  or if you are doing this as a Christian Christmas lesson, have students cut out the letters, to spell Jesus from magazines and or newspapers.  The more varied the font (lower and upper case) are used, the more festive it looks. Plus, they get to choose the letters.  

Option:  If you choose, have the students spell out the name of their gift as above, instead of drawing it.

To complete the gift, add embellishments listed above as you wish. 

This project was completed last December with about 12 students. Above are some photos of their work. 

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