Friday, May 31, 2013

Advertisements: Good graphic art?

Have you ever been  some place where you had to wait? Yes, we all have. Did you grab a magazine to look at?  Magazines are notoriously full of ads. However  ads are everywhere: on TV, billboards, clothes, etc.  But have you ever thought about what you are really seeing?  Are advertisements  good graphic art?  Art should tell a message. So...

If art tells a message, then consider: What is your perception about a particular ad you like?   What is the true message? Do you get it?  Why do advertisements effect us the way they do?  Can you imagine a magazine without them?  Does that appeal to anyone? Without pictures, what would we look at? 

Yet, I can't help but think: the ads for alcohol, cigarettes,  personal hygiene items, we could do without!  Do you think there should be something done about the ads in magazines and newspapers? 

In magazines, I have noticed that company ads feature big pictures or they have pictures on about 4-5 pages.  Usually it's mostly an image, and their logo or name is in small print near the bottom.  In a newspaper, it's one whole page, and usually not much image, but blank space, and then their name or logo.  

Think about the advertisements you see, and consider these questions next time you pick up a magazine, newspaper, put on a T-shirt with a logo or see one on someone's clothes, or see one on a billboard.  Is it good graphic art? 

1) Where were you when you saw the ad and what time did you see the ad?
      (in the doctor office waiting and it was on the TV in the waiting room at 10:30 a.m.)

2)  What do you think is the purpose/true message of the advertisement?
      (I'll feel good if I eat this cheeseburger?)

3)  How does the advertisement affect your thoughts and feelings? 
      (Do I feel what they want me to?  Angry, sad, happy, inspired?)

Your comments are welcome.  Email me:

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