Tuesday, December 20, 2016

File Folder Art

Grade Level:  3-5th graders 

NOTE:  Please try this out BEFORE you present to your class!

Materials Needed For each student:
  • Regular-sized new or recycled Manila File Folder (or any folder will do as long as it is blank on the inside; the outside wouldn't matter)  If you don't have any file folders, poster board or even heavy construction paper 12" x 18" can be folded in half.

  • TWO of the same items (buttons, plastic or paper straws, plastic drink lid, toothpick, ribbon, etc.) Try not to hand out a large 3-D object--otherwise you won't be able to fold the folder.

  • Bottle Glue  (not glue stick)
  • Pencil

  • Plain paper (for sketching)

  • Markers, other media such as Colored Pencils, Crayons, etc. Let the student choose several different media to experiment and have fun!
  •  Scissors (may be needed depending upon item; let students ASK FOR THEM.)
Concepts:  Left, Right; Before and After; Abstraction

Visual Art Standards:  Kansas  #1, 2, 3 and #6  (Language Arts)

What to do:

1)Students write their name inside the folder.  CopyrightLJGATES2016

2) Pass out the folders, bottle glue, pencils, and one item per student.
3)Students write at the top on the LEFT side of the folder, "BEFORE"

4)Ask students to write what their item is under BEFORE and describe it. For example:  "This is a shiny, bumpy, round, red button with 2 holes in it."
5) Have them glue the item onto the LEFT side of the folder under the words, Before.

6)Ask students to think of how they can "change" this item  into something new. For example:  If you gave them a plastic straw (for the left side) it may be cut with scissors and formed into a star or snowflake, chair, etc.  Explain Abstraction (see below).

7)Pass out the other item that is the same as the one they glued down on the left side. This item they will cut, color, or do whatever to it, to change it into something new.  This is called Abstraction (taking something original and turning it into something new whether by color, form, line, etc.)copyrightLGates2016

8)Students may be given plain paper to draw a sketch or their new object if they wish to plan out their new object.
9) After students have a sketch, or have planned it on on the folder, have them show you BEFORE they glue it down.  (Emphasize planning is always best before gluing.  Once it is glued, it is final.)

10) Students will glue down whatever they create with bottle glue on the RIGHT side.
11) Folder must be laid FLAT in order to dry.  
12) Once all the GLUE IS DRIED,
13) Students will use colored pencils, markers, etc., to add details to their creations on the RIGHT side of the folder only.

14)  Students will write AFTER on the RIGHT side of their folder where their new object is glued down, and describe their new item. For example:  "This is a green chair dancing on a red rug by my bed in my pink bedroom."

Students may take their art home after sharing with class.  Everyone will want to share their new creations of Before and After abstracted art. Then, simply, close the folder to take home to share and enjoy with friends and family!

In the student example below:  On theLEFT side, she simply glue a strip of reinforcements for the BEFORE side.(Not shown)
AFTER/RIGHT side, the student used reinforcement stickers, pencil,  yellow highlighter, and sharpie markers.  She drew a sketch prior to doing work; planned it out on paper, drew the bed and person on the folder, then began sticking reinforcements to the folder.  She then added details to complete the picture. Her description is as follows:  This is a stick person jumping up and down on a [mattress] on a bed. Under the red line she wrote, ceiling.  The words, Boing, Boing indicate the springs making sounds as the person jumped on the bed.  Fun!  So creative!  Definitely an A+

(Student work used with permission.) 

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