Monday, April 15, 2013

Changing Your Point of View

Hey ya'll. This post is a shout out to a special group of Mrs. U's  high school English students! (You know who you are.)  Thanks for a good class today! 

And this is also for anyone wanting to change their **point of view. This is a fun activity to try.
It will get you to thinking with a different point of view. Yes, a point of view, your perspective, your take on a situation, story, poem, etc. 

You'll need: a magazine, scissors, glue stick, ruler, pen, and  a 9" x 12" piece of construction paper (your choice of color), notebook paper.

  • Pick a magazine--any will do. (Keep it clean, though. LOL) 
  • At random (without planning), quickly thumb through the magazine and find a page with only a photo--no writing. 
  • Tear the page out.
  • On the top half of your notebook page, write the name of the object or what the photo is, and a short description of the magazine page.  What is your point of view of this photo?
  • Trim away any torn areas on the edges of the page with scissors. 
  • With a ruler, measure across (horizontal) OR measure up and down (vertical)  and mark on the page with a pen to make 1 inch width increments. 
  • With the scissors, cut on the lines to create strips. Put strips in a pile.
  • Randomly (without looking), grab a strip from the pile.  Make sure it is face up (no writing).
  • Add glue to the back of the strip and immediately (with the photo part face up) glue it onto the construction paper.
  • Working quickly, do the same thing with the rest of the strips.DO NOT plan out where the strips go, just glue them on randomly.
  • On bottom half of your notebook paper, write about your newly created artwork by answering the following questions:
What do you see? Does this remind of you someone? something?  What colors, or what image do you see?
How has your point of view changed about what the photo was before?   Why or why not? Does this change the way you feel about other things in life? Do we see things better or clearer  if things are presented differently?  Or does it confuse things? Why or why not?

**Point of view activity adapted from The Artist's Quest for Inspiration by Peggy Hadden. ISBN 1-58115-027-X

4/17/13 addedum to above:  An option to try would be to use two magazine images and combine the two.  If you have to, use a page that has text, but cut off the words; then make the strips.   I cannot emphasize enough, that random is the key to the success of this project.

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