Sunday, April 7, 2013

Inspiration and Ideas

What to do?  Do I paint, draw, collage, or what?  Where does the idea or the inspiration come from?  As an artist, sometimes we all get stuck and can't decide what we should do.This was me yesterday.  

Yesterday at the library, **my husband flitted around me, grabbing art books, and I thought, what should I grab to peruse? Lots of books on watercolor techniques, color, how to paint this and that, etc. lined the rows of shelves. I finally  grabbed some pulling them out to look, but quickly decided they just weren't anything I was inspired by, or they had no ideas I cared about trying.

 Then, when I quit looking, I saw it:. A book entitled,  Abstracts 50 Inspirational Projects by Rolina van Vliet. Search Press, ISBN 978-1-84448-7158-8.  and I flipped through the pages.  "Okay, now we're talking," I said to myself.  Toward the back I found:  One hundred ideas to start.  As I scanned the pages (the ideas fill 4 pages), I  said, "Yes! I will try some of these." Here are a few of the ideas.  

* Draw several household appliances with your eyes closed.  Create a number of these drawings. 
*Make a painting without using a brush or a palette knife.
*Think of shards of broken glass and use them to create an artwork with this idea in mind.

Interesting ideas!!  There are more, of course, but you really need to check out the book for yourself.   The book cover (on the back) sports the message:  Discover what freedom of expression can mean for you in this book.  Guidance for seeing abstractly, creating your own ideas and concepts from a range of different sources.  

When I first read the "Draw several household appliances," I thought it said draw several thousands of appliances. LOL. Well,  If you have that many, then go for it.! I think I will concentrate on drawing my coffee maker, toaster, microwave, food chopper, etc.  As far as doing them with your eyes closed: this is a good test of memory.  What does it really look like?  Well....this brings to mind another thing about memory drawing, but I will wait to talk about it in another post.  

I guess I better get busy....I'm inspired! Now, where will I put all these drawings?  Another decision to make...maybe I'll have an idea inspire me. Like the photo below. This is my next collage when I make one.  It is calling me to it. 
photo copyright Lydia Gates 2012

**My husband, by the way, did not check any books out. Guess he wasn't inspired?!?

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